Energy Audits

EBEB Solutions, a team of certified professionals including Energy Managers, Demand Side Managers, and Sustainable Development Professionals, offers a comprehensive range of energy audit services, including ASHRAE Level I, II, and III assessments, energy management solutions, renewable energy services, project financing options, tax and rebate assistance, and design-build services.

A detailed energy audit on a commercial building is a comprehensive analysis of the building's energy usage, which is typically performed by a qualified energy auditor. The purpose of the audit is to identify opportunities for energy savings and recommend strategies for reducing energy consumption and costs.

The energy audit typically includes the following steps:

Data heating, cooling, collection: Our certified energy manager will gather information about the building, including the building's age, size, construction, and equipment. This will typically include data on the building's energy use, such as electricity and gas bills, as well as information on the building's, and other systems.

Site visit: Our certified energy manager will conduct a visual inspection of the building, which will typically include an examination of the building envelope, insulation, HVAC systems, lighting, and other equipment. They will also collect data on the building's occupancy and usage patterns, which will help them to identify opportunities for energy savings.

Analysis: Our certified energy manager will analyze the data that they have collected and use specialized software to simulate the building's energy performance. This will help them to identify areas where energy is being wasted, as well as opportunities for energy savings.

Recommendations: Based on the analysis, the certified energy manager will develop recommendations for reducing energy consumption and costs. These recommendations will typically include a combination of energy-efficient equipment and systems, as well as behavioral and operational changes.

Report: The certified energy manager will provide a detailed report of the energy audit, which will typically include a summary of the energy audit findings, as well as recommendations for reducing energy consumption and costs. The report will also typically include an estimate of the costs and benefits associated with each recommendation.

Follow-up: Depending on the scope of the energy audit, a follow-up might be required with a Certified Energy Manager. This could include monitoring the energy savings, measuring progress, assessing potential savings, and fine-tuning the recommendations.

It's worth noting that different buildings have different needs and a detailed energy audit is the first step to identifying potential energy-saving opportunities, and the recommendations are not always limited to just HVAC systems and lighting.

In some cases, the recommendations may also include changes to building operations, such as scheduling changes, or improvements in building maintenance. Additionally, the cost and feasibility of the recommendations will also be analyzed and prioritized so that the building owner can make informed decisions about how to proceed with implementing energy-saving measures.

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